
School Vision Statement
School Council invite the community to provide input into a new vision statement for our new School Strategic Plan.
There are 3 options to select from. To cast your preferred selection, you will need access compass by clicking "open in browser" from your Compass app. Once you are logged in and at the home page, look for this option on the right-hand side:
Insights Cycle Open
Your input/feedback is requested for "Vision Statement Survey – Parents/Carers". Click here to proceed.
Once you have clicked on the link, you will then need to click on the next link in the new page, “Vision Statement Survey – Parents/Carers.” There is an introduction which includes the current vision statement. You can then select your preferred statement and add comments in the box below.
We appreciate your time and your feedback.
Late arrivals:
A reminder for late arrivals (after 9am): Please sign your child/ren in and say goodbye in the reception area to avoid any disruptions to class.
Parents in the classroom:
Parents/carers need to be previously invited by the teacher to come into the classroom as a visitor. You need to sign in and obtain a visitor pass at the office.