Year 3/4–Celebrating Learning

As Term 3 comes to an end, we have been reflecting on all of the learning we have done around heat and sources of energy. Students have been exploring how heat travels and why certain materials are considered to be thermal conductors or thermal insulators.
In Maths, we have finished up exploring various creative strategies for solving multiplication and division strategies. Students have also started working on looking at symmetry and how we can make sure images and shapes are exactly the same on both sides. Some have even challenged themselves to make symmetrical words and irregular shapes!
In Reading, we have continued to explore the exciting and creative works of Australian author and illustrator Shaun Tan. Students have had interesting conversations about what we think the morals of his stories are and the messages readers might learn from his books.
In Writing, students have been working hard on publishing their writing using best practice. In particular, we have been looking at making sure our typed work is just as impressive as our hand-written work, with a focus on punctuation and spelling - not just relying on spell-check!