Principal's News 

Navigating Uncertainty 

Uncertainty is a constant companion in our lives and learning to navigate it is a valuable life skill that empowers us to adapt, grow and thrive. As a community, we are facing a period of uncertainty.  This is a teachable moment for our students and an opportunity for educators, families and carers alike, to model the dispositions needed to manage uncertainty productively.   


Embrace a growth mindset. At Shelford, we encourage all to adopt a growth mindset and to view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.  We can approach uncertainty with a positive attitude. 


Open communication. As a school community, we are maintaining channels of communication that provide accurate and timely information.  Do not rely on hearsay but rather read the factual material being distributed in a transparent manner.  Platforms are being provided for parents to be involved in many actions of the school, either by  applying to join the Board or by being involved with the SPA parent action group.   We are being open and honest with staff and have had opportunities for staff to talk to representatives of the Board, SPA and to each other, about how they are feeling.  We also have free, expert psychological counselling for our staff and our wellbeing team is supporting our students and families, as required.  


Flexibility and adaptability. The ability to adapt to new circumstances is a hallmark of resilience. Encourage students/daughters to remain flexible in their approach and to embrace any change that does occur as an opportunity for innovation.  Sharing stories of successful adaptations can inspire others to embrace change positively. 


Mindfulness and stress management. Teaching mindfulness techniques, as we do at Shelford, can help to manage the stress and anxiety that uncertainty often brings. Breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques can provide students, families and staff with effective tools to navigate challenging moments with greater ease. 


Set short-term goals. In times of uncertainty, setting short-term achievable goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose. Celebrate the achievement of these goals, as they contribute to a feeling of progress and accomplishment. They also focus students and families on the everyday, “business as usual” aspect of life at Shelford. 


Build a supportive community. At Shelford, everyone feels supported and valued.  We are continuing to foster a sense of belonging and connection between students, families and staff. It is important that we remain kind, generous and understanding of different viewpoints at this time.  With the support of others, uncertainty becomes easier to manage. 


Encourage critical thinking. We help students develop critical thinking skills that enable them to analyse situations, gather information, and make informed decisions.  These skills are invaluable when facing uncertainty, as they empower individuals to think creatively and problem-solve effectively.  


Focus on what you can control. Uncertainty often stems from factors beyond our control.  We teach our students to focus energy on the aspects that they can influence, such as their attitude, effort and response to challenges. 


Seek support. We encourage young people to reach out to trusted adults, friends and counsellors, when they are uncertain or feeling overwhelmed. Professional help may be necessary in some cases, and we are able to support this if required. 


Dealing with uncertainty is an ongoing process and it is essential to provide support and guidance for the young people in our community, to help them develop the skills and resilience needed to navigate this uncertainty – and the many uncertainties to come in their lives. 


 Thank you for your continued support of Shelford and its staff and students. 

Katrina Brennan
