News from the Learning Community

Year 1 Learning Community
In Grade One we have been learning about the weather. We have been learning about different types of weather and our local weather in Geelong. Enjoy our video!
Year 4 Learning Community
In the classroom, brain breaks are quick, structured breaks using physical movement, mindfulness exercises, or sensory activities. Some popular brain breaks in Grade 4, include stretches, coordination activities and games such as I spy but skipping has proven to be the most popular of late!
Short brain breaks have been shown to have real benefits to learning. Physical exercise and movement gets blood flowing to the brain which stimulates the areas of the brain associated with learning and memory. Brain breaks break up lessons and are also an important part of self-regulation because they can help reduce anxiety and frustration, particularly if we are doing something challenging. The best thing about brain breaks is anyone can try one, so the next time you are doing something and start to feel sleepy or lose your concentration, try a brain break!
Year 7-9 Learning Community
It has been fantastic to see the number of students increasing their Auslan vocabulary and being able to communicate at a basic level in Auslan as another language. We have seen new students teaching their siblings new signs in the yard after their first Auslan lesson which is so impressive! It’s also great having more students wanting to participate in Auslan Extra to show the three school values of Commitment, Collaboration and Care. Keep it up guys!
So far in prep classes students have had the opportunity to learn signs for toys, materials, weather and clothing. Prep classes have demonstrated commitment to this challenge by practicing their new vocabulary and choosing appropriate clothing for various weathers.
Year 1 and 2
Students in year 1 and 2 have been continuing to learn weather and clothing after starting the term with describing various toys and what materials they can be made from. Students have been asking each other questions about the weather and seasons and what clothes they would need to get dressed in, all using their Auslan signs. You will find in the photos that students are exchanging information in Auslan demonstrating their commitment and collaboration.
Year 3 and 4
Students with their peers are developing skills in relation to maps and directions. Students have been practicing their new Auslan vocabulary by following directions to find various locations within the school. Students completed a task on Seesaw using their understanding of school environment signs which families will have been able to view.
Year 5 and 6
In grade 5 and 6, students researched, prepared and gave a presentation to their peers on a Deaf role model. For some students, this was their first presentation to their peers and most completed the task well, even with some nerves! Families will receive a photo and their student’s individual marking on their presentation in the coming weeks.
Students have now moved on to learning about maps and directions using their new Auslan vocabulary on this topic. Students have demonstrated great commitment and collaboration by working together as pairs when giving and receiving directions using various maps. It is a difficult skill to master and the students are doing a great job!
Auslan Extra:
Please do not forget to explore the fortnightly editions of ‘Auslan Extra’. In each newsletter issue you will see that one of the menu items is ‘Auslan Extra’. Perhaps your family would like to collaborate in some of the activities?
We’re looking forward to a fun term 4 with lots of new learning opportunities for all of our students!
Auslan Team
Specialist Awards
At our Year Level Assembly last week, we presented our next round of Specialist Awards! Make sure to watch the video to find out more….