Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
Dear Parents and Carers
It has been an exciting week at ACS as we celebrate the fathers and father figures in the lives of our students. It was lovely to see so many students engaging positively in the Father’s Day stall. The students demonstrated the school values of Care, Collaboration and Commitment as they wandered through the stall choosing items for their special someone.
Thank you to the Senior Secondary students who made the delicious cookies that were sold at the stall – they were a huge hit and looked amazing. Also, a big shoutout to PACC who organised the event and the volunteer parents who gave up their time to order items, set up and sell the products during this week – thank you! We hope that all of our fathers, grandfathers and father-like figures have a fabulous day on Sunday and are shown the love, gratitude and appreciation you deserve.
ACS Art Show
We look forward to seeing the student's art work displayed next Thursday 7/9/2023 from 3-7pm at our first ever Art Show! Thank you to our Art team of Leanne, Wendy and Steph who have worked diligently with the students all year to produce some wonderful pieces of art for this event. All the artwork will be on display in the Winkipop and Beacon building art rooms. A gold coin donation is requested for entry, the Lil Dumpling Van and a coffee van will be available for those who might be feeling hungry and there will also be glow in the dark slime and face painting as extra activities. Can't wait to see you all there!
Lions Club Raffle
Thank you to our school community who sold Lions Club Raffle tickets - we raised $2500!! A terrific effort!!
Parking at school
A reminder to families that parking in the following areas is prohibited:
- In the disabled parking bays unless a Disability Parking Permit is clearly displayed at the left side or centre of the front windscreen, so that the permit number and expiry date can be seen from outside.
- In the driveway area of the staff car park (near the admin office) in front of the skip bins or in front of the bus gate. This area MUST be kept clear at all times
- In the staff car park closest to the bike shed end of the school - this car park is strictly for staff parking only.
There are many varied reasons for these guidelines which relate primarily back to safety, access and general management of a large community of users. We certainly do appreciate that parking is not always easy and would like to thank those who have already made best attempts at finding other solutions.
Car parking is also NOT PERMITTED on the grassy area situated between the Community Hub car park and the fence line at the far end of our school oval.
A number of concerned school community members have recently brought this issue to our attention as they have observed numerous vehicles moving and reversing in this area in close proximity of children who are also walking through this space.
Whilst we can appreciate that this grassy area has seemingly started to be used as an overflow car park, the City of Greater Geelong and the Armstrong Creek East Community Hub have communicated that this space is not designated for parking.
They did acknowledge that there is lowered kerb (similar to a driveway entrance) along one side of this space, however this has been constructed to accommodate maintenance vehicles for the future community garden which is intended to be located here. We thank you for your support and understanding with refraining to park in this grassy area as the safety of all students is paramount during these busy times.
Have a great week everyone!
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal