Humanities Student of the Week

Here at St Joseph’s we celebrate the awesome achievements and growth in our students and our Humanities faculty would like to showcase some of our students who are currently starring in their subjects. 


This week we would like to acknowledge and congratulate Lilly Devlin from Year 12 Business Management!


Her teacher, Mrs Mai has praised how hard Lilly has been working in Business Management this year and how much growth she has demonstrated in her learning. This is what Lilly had to say about studying Business Management in Year 12. 


Why did you choose to study Business Management? 

I chose business studies because it's a fascinating subject that offers more than just theoretical knowledge. It's a subject that interests me, and what's even more enticing is the flexibility it provides in terms of career possibilities.


What do you enjoy about this subject? 

What's so enjoyable about studying business is that it's always ever-changing. In today's world, businesses are always improving and are continuously integrating advancements into their operations which allows us as students to discover the dynamic landscape of the business world. Through business studies, we not only grasp the complexities of the fast-paced business environment but also witness how these advancements intersect with our case studies. Having a link between what we learn in class and what happens in the real world makes studying business exciting and extremely useful.


What advice would you give someone studying this subject? 

If you're considering taking up business in VCE, my best tip is to link the content to your interests. Managing five subjects in Year 12 can be challenging, so breaking down the stimulus and simplifying it will definitely make it easier to grasp. Don't hesitate to ask lots of questions too – remember, the teachers are there to assist you!


What are your plans for the future? 

Next year, I'm planning to attend RMIT University in Melbourne to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Laws and Business. 


Thank you Lilly! All the best for the remaining weeks of classes and your upcoming exams. The countdown is truly on!


Did you know…? 

…that celebrating other people’s successes is good for everyone? Not just for the person who we acknowledge; it’s good for us as well. It creates what is called a positive feedback loop: the more we learn to accept ourselves, the easier it is for us to accept and celebrate others’ success. The more we celebrate with and for others, the more success we are likely to have, because we will be open to feedback, improvement and learning itself. And of course there are no better learning areas than the Humanities strands Geography, History, Civic and Citizenship and Business and Economics.


Ruth Phillips

Humanities Learning Leader