Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

R U OK? Day



This year, R U OK? Day will be held onThursday 14 September


The theme for 2023 is I'm here, to hear.


This theme calls on each and every one of us to let our friends and family know that we care about them and that we are available to listen to anything at anytime.


By taking the time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected.



Research was conducted to understand what a meaningful R U OK? conversation looks like for Australians in 2023. People commonly mentioned three things: 

  • Trust: they need to know the person they speak to is someone they trust, and, for many, someone they are close to. 
  • Authenticity: they want to know the person asking them genuinely wants to hear the answer. 
  • Environment: people prefer to have these conversations in a private space with enough time to share what they want to say. 



Let the people in your world know you’re here, to really hear -  because a conversation could make a world of difference. 



Suzanne Pola

College Leader - Student Wellbeing