Teaching and Learning

Navigating Your Child's Assessment and Progress Reports: A Parent's Guide


As we approach the end of term, our teachers are currently finalising the assessment of your child’s Term 3 assessment tasks and their interim reports.


As a parent, you play a crucial role in your child's education journey. One of the essential tools that teachers use to communicate your child's progress is the assessment and interim report. This report goes beyond just grades; it's a window into your child's growth, strengths, and areas needing attention. 


Please find below some tips on how you can make the most of these reports to support your child's learning and development.


1. Understanding the Components


Assessment and progress reports are a blend of various components that provide a comprehensive overview of your child's academic journey. Familiarise yourself with the grading system, the subjects covered, and the specific criteria used for assessment. This understanding will help you interpret the report accurately.


2. Context is Key


Each report is a snapshot of your child's progress within a specific timeframe. Keep in mind that growth is gradual, and a single report might not reflect the entire story. Consider the broader context, taking into account your child's overall learning journey, strengths, challenges, and personal development.


3. Celebrate Achievements


Celebrate your child's achievements, regardless of the scale. Recognising their efforts, progress, and even small victories boosts their confidence and motivation. Acknowledge their hard work and dedication—it can have a positive impact on their attitude toward learning.


4. Addressing Challenges


Reports also highlight areas that might need attention. If your child is facing challenges, view them as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. Discuss these challenges with your child's teachers and explore ways to support your child's learning journey.


5. Open Communication


Keep the lines of communication open with both your child and their teachers. If you have concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out. A collaborative approach ensures that your child's education is a joint effort between home and school.




Lisa Saillard

Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning