Cultural Diversity Survey

Dear Parents,
At Marangaroo Primary School, we are committed to fostering a sense of belonging, identity, and inclusivity within our school community. To further this goal, we are excited to introduce a quick survey to gather your valuable input and insights.
Our aim is to celebrate, learn, and respect all cultures represented within our school. By doing so, we believe we can provide our students with a stronger sense of belonging and ownership within the school while also strengthening our school community as a whole.
Your thoughts and perspectives are crucial in helping us achieve this objective. We kindly request you to take a few moments to complete this survey.
Your responses will help us better understand the cultural diversity within our school and guide us in implementing initiatives that promote inclusivity and cultural celebration. We are excited about the positive impact this will have on our students and the entire school community.
Thank you for your participation and ongoing support in making Marangaroo Primary School a place where every culture is embraced and respected.
Warm regards,
Roschell Watkin
Aboriginal Islander Education Officer