Principal's Message 

Ms Alessandra Morrone

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week, we have moved from swimming lessons into athletics carnival mode, with many students practising jumping into the sand pit and racing each other on the track. It is pleasing to see students demonstrating sportsmanship, acknowledging the efforts of others and encouraging each other to try their best.


Kookaburra’s Assembly – Everything Pink Barbie

What a fantastic assembly, full of pink and energy, as the Year 4/5 students sang songs from the Barbie movie and shared some of their work. Well done to the Year 4/5 Kookaburra students and Mrs Rogers on their Week 7 assembly! 


We look forward to being entertained by the Pre-primary (including E Hub) students this Friday. 


Special community Invitation – Have a chat with the admin team!

I encourage you to register for next week’s chat with the admin team, where you will get to hear about and contribute to –

1. Who the admin team are?

2. Opportunities provided next term for students and the community.

3. Parent/ Community – Your Ideas - What would you like Marangaroo to look like this time next year?


Tea and coffee will be provided.

Week 10 Wednesday, 20 September 2023

9.00 am - 9.40 am In the library

Registration via ClassDojo.


Staffing Term Four

At the end of this term, we will say farewell to Ms Bija, our amazing school Chaplain. Ms Bija has been part of so many Marangaroo families, students and staff lives, impacting everyone in so many positive ways. We wish Ms Bija all the very best for the future as she undertakes quality time and memorable adventures with her family. We thank you for all that you have done for our Marangaroo community! 


Mrs Campbell, our Program Coordinator for the Specialist Learning Program (SLP), has accepted a position at SSEN:D for term four. This is a fantastic opportunity for Mrs Campbell as she gets to visit and support many teachers within the Northern suburbs next term. We wish Mrs Campbell all the best in her term four role.


Ms. Godwin, SLP Thursday and Friday, will return to her teacher role in E Hub next term. Thank you, Ms. Godwin, for your dedication and support over the term.


Marangaroo PS will have a new Chaplain starting next term. Once these details have been confirmed, we will share this with you via ClassDojo. 


The SLP Coordinator team will look different for next term. While we are still confirming staffing appointments, I would like to confirm that Mr Maloney (B Hub SLP teacher) will take on the Thursday and Friday role for term four. We welcome Mr Moloney, who has already been working behind the scenes in implementing school improvement initiatives.


Final thoughts – “We grew up thinking our parents didn’t understand our struggles, but the truth is they made sure we never felt theirs.”  - Unknown   



Ms Alessandra Morrone
