Messages from the Front Office

Special Community Invitation

Please register to attend our Chat with the Admin team.

Registration link: Register for Meet the admin team. 

Addington Way Crosswalk

Our lovely crosswalk attendant has recently reported a number of families parking on the front lawns of Addington Way residents and dangerously crossing children over the road. Please ensure we are keeping our children safe and encouraging the appropriate behaviours by always crossing at the designated crosswalk.

Morley Senior High School Specialist Program Testing 

At Morley SHS we have two Department of Education Approved Specialist Programs, one in Aviation and one in Screen and Media. 


We will be holding a special round of testing for these programs on Friday, 15 September. Please note that places in these programs are limited so it is essential that students RSVP to participate in the testing. 


Lost Property

The lost property pile is growing again! If your child has lost items of uniform, water bottles or lunch boxes, please take a look in the green bucket located near the Canteen door in the undercover area. Please ensure that your child's uniform is clearly labelled so that items can be promptly returned to their owners.

No Hat No Play 

Parents, please ensure your child has a hat packed in their bag every day. The school DOES NOT have any spare hats available anymore as students have borrowed them and not returned them. Children without hats must play undercover, so to avoid disappointment please ensure they have a hat with them every day.

The uniform shop sells reversible school/faction coloured bucket hats. The uniform shop is open every Monday 8.30am - 9am. 

Crunch & Sip

Many of our classes participate in the crunch and sip program designed to increase the amount of fruit, vegetable and water being consumed by Primary school aged children. Please ensure that you are packing a piece of fruit or vegetable and a water bottle every day so that students are able to participate. 

School start time 

This is a reminder to all parents that School gates open to all students on all school days at 8:30am, so please ensure students do not arrive at school prior to this time as there will be no supervision.  As the weather is now wet and cold, we encourage you not to leave students unattended at school before 8.30am. If your commitments require you to drop your child/ren prior to 8.30am you will need to make before school care arrangements. Kids Academy operate onsite before and after school care at MPS, and can be contacted on 9343 5645 or email