Gratitude Shout Outs

During Term 3, the staff at BPS have been recording and sharing their Gratitude Shout Outs. In our staff room, we have an "Our Awesome Students" and "Our Awesome Staff" gratitude wall. On this wall, staff have been recording the 'little' things we see that make us grateful to work at our wonderful school.
These Gratitude Shout Outs are read out at assemblies each fortnight, and we thought it would be nice for our committee to also read them.
These are from our first 8 weeks of shout outs.
Elise B - Holding the door open for 5 teachers at the end of lunch.
Archie S - Being inclusive of all students in the yard.
Jayden B - Helping Preps sort out conflict in the playground.
Issy B, Joel W and Chloe J - Helping the JSC with washing up after Milo.
The 5/6 students - Inviting 3/4B to join their free time when we wanted to use the basketball court at the same time.
Casey Y - Offering to include another student in the football game when she felt left out.
Lucy H - Always looking out for others. Lucy always instigates conversations with students of all ages, and staff, to check in and see how they are. She also ALWAYS looks for way to help others.
Ben C - Working extremely hard in Maths.
Josephine W - Cleaning up the yard at lunch time.
Lucy H - Her standout leadership skills during PE. Lucy is a natural coach, with an eye for what a student is doing and what they need to change to improve.
Rebecca H - Taking care of a friend and doing some breathing exercises with her when she fell over and was upset.
Blake B - Being an empathetic and caring member in our yard.
Reece G - The empathy and leadership he showed during PE when including a classmate who sometimes needs support during games.
Chayse D - Jumping in to help in any way he could on Milo Day. Thanks for all you work, Chayse.
Evie N - Staying back to help clean the Art Room.
Chloe J, Taylah F and Edie N - Spotting Miss Feely's PE equipment out after school and getting it put away safely.
Reece G and friends - Making another person feel included and encouraged when kicking the footy.
Dakota - Helping someone in need when she noticed they were upset in the yard.
Connor J - Opening door for teachers.
Cooper S - Helping out with Breakfast Club.
Will K - Offering to share his play equipment with younger students.
Henry R - Always being considerate and using his best manners.
Jack K - Always being encouraging and supportive of his classmates.
All staff on Friday - Thank you so much for your respect and help with Charlie's training (therapy dog in training). It means a lot.
Mrs Rush - Navigating constant changes, challenges and stressful situation with a cool head and trying to alleviate stress for others.
Miss W - Starting my yard duty when I was running late.
Mr Watts - Taking the 5/6s for a game when I was held up.
Finola - Giving up her planning time to look after my class.
Mr Reid - Always checking in when somethings not quite right and having something supportive to say that makes me smile.
Miss W - All of her amazing, extra effort to make Breaky Club so successful. You always go above and beyond.
All the staff - Thanks for all your help and support when I had to dash out to attend to my sick child. I very much appreciate everyone's flexibility and kindness.
Miss Mawby - Always being willing to listen and offer support or solutions.
Mr Reid - Cleaning up after a sick child.
Mrs Dallas - Preparing our morning tea for Cancer Council fundraiser.
Mr Reid - Always jumping in when people need a hand and checking in when people have had a rough day.
Miss Kennedy & Mr Watts - Jumping in and lending a hand to clean up after our soup days.
Miss Jenni - Helping a student who was feeling very unwell.