Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mrs Harrison and Miss Linda.

It has once again been a busy couple of weeks in the 3/4 unit. We have had so much going on between our classroom work, Book Week festivities, and our swimming program. 


In Writing, we have continued our work on information reports, and are currently researching a country that we are interested in. We are learning about lots of different countries and cultures, including China, Russia, Israel, Germany, Japan and Canada, and have been trying out different graphic organisers while planning our writing.


Multiplicative thinking has been the continuing focus in Fluid Group Maths for Term 3, we have been looking at worded problems, and the strategies we can use to solve them. In Classroom Maths, we have just started learning about chance, and have been having lots of fun doing chance experiments with dice, and even making our own dice.


In Integrated Studies, we have been looking at the challenges faced by people with disabilities, and how we as a society can help them. During one activity, we had to trust our friends to guide us around the playground while we were blindfolded - we very quickly learned that we don't trust each other quite as much as we thought we did! We have just started creating our own realistic fiction writing about a person with a disability overcoming the challenges they face. 

How fabulous was it to see so many people in costume for our book week parade? We had so many fantastic and creative costumes, and we even got to have a Zoom session with Matt Cosgrove, the author and illustrator of the Macca the Alpaca books, where we learned to draw Macca in his own Book Week costume. 



We have had a great start to our swimming program, and it has been fantastic to see everyone participating enthusiastically in the lessons. Fridays can be quite hectic, but everyone has been handling this new situation with plenty of flexibility and good humour - and some very noisy bus rides home!