1/2 Classes

Mrs McBride & Mr Shuttleworth, with special help from Miss Jenni.

Bookweek in 1/2B

We all enjoyed Book Week last Thursday. It was fantastic to see so many students dressed up and participating in the whole school parade. We looked at all the books that had been awarded winners this year and watched an interview with Craig Silvey, the author of Runt. We read the book Tiny Wonders together and are hoping we can add some of these books to our school library!

Integrated Studies

We are continuing our discussions around social justice and celebrating cultural differences in our world. 

This week we made our own version of a Chinese Lantern. Some students even added a battery-operated candle to theirs when they got home. 

Here is a link to a clip we watched about the lanterns.


We will also be looking at Nigeria and India, as well as our own family heritage and cultures.

Farewell to Miss Jade White

1/2A have worked with Miss Jade White for the first seven weeks of term as she finished her final university placement. She has built great connections with students and staff, and has done an excellent job as a teacher. We'll miss having her bubbly personality and creative mind in the school. We thank her for her time with us and wish her all the best as she heads back to university to finish off her course.

Book Week in 1/2A

1/2A had a great time during Book Week. We listened to lots of short-listed stories being read on Story Box Library. Did you know that if you have a library card at Beaufort Library then you can get free access to Storybox Library as well? Click here to find out more.


We loved listening to Matt Cosgrove, the author of the Macca the Alpaca books. He spoke about where he gets his ideas and how long it takes him to write and illustrate a book. He then showed us how to draw an alpaca by using the letters YOU! We all had a chance to turn our alpacas into something unique, with many of them matching our Book Week costumes.


1/2A continued to explore different ways to look for patterns and explain their thinking. We had to sort numbers into different groups based on things they had in common. Different groups found different things in common, such as numbers that could be made from groups of two, four and five, and numbers that were displayed as circles. It was a great opportunity to talk about our thinking.