Foundation Class

The whole school participated in the Book Week Parade last week. This was the highlight for the Prep students last week. It was a great chance for our school community to get together and have fun.
All students were invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book or the theme “Read, Grow, Inspire”. The whole school and parents/carers were able to see them at the Parade last Thursday morning. Afterwards, the Prep class completed some fun literacy activities about this years Book Week theme.
Book Week is an annual event organised by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) to celebrate Australian books, authors and illustrators.
We have also been working on our speaking and listening in the classroom, this term, which is part of the Victorian Curriculum. We have been focusing on our eye contact when speaking to others, speaking clearly, our body language and using the appropriate voice level when we are talking.
The Prep were able to practise all these things while they participated in a short video about Book Week. Please turn the volume up as the sound is quite poor. The Preps that were at school on Thursday for Book Week enjoyed making the video and I am very proud of each of them for the way they spoke. We have some budding TV stars in the making!!