Year 3/4

WOW! We are already well into the last term of the year. Time has flown and lots of fun has been had, and some learning too. We started the term off with a BANG by learning and performing a Bollywood dance, the kids loved the process and we were blown away by their enthusiasm.
This term we are learning about natural Australian landforms and map features. Each student has been working on their own copy of a map of Australia and we are adding content to it every week.
We have also sent home a list of spelling words for each student to study for the fortnight. Doing this along with the programs we run at school are a great way to set each student up for success through multiple exposures.
In Maths we have been looking at equivalent fractions. We’ve used a range of digital, written and hands-on materials to help with this and we are seeing the knowledge and confidence grow rapidly.
We are also taking part in the Aussie Bird Count. We will investigate what birds are local to the area, what habitats they need to survive and we will also go out birdwatching. We will document the types of birds we see and how many. This information will be uploaded to the national website and we will contribute to the data collection.
There will be some information sent home later this week regarding the project for the term.
If you have any questions, please contact Travis or Wiley
Thank you!