Year 1/2
WOW! What a jam-packed start to our final term of 2024. The year has just flown by! The first week started off with a bang. Lots of eager students keen to learn about a new culture and get their bodies moving each day with professional dance lessons! All students gave every practise a red-hot go, which paid off in the end with a performance for friends and family in our Indian Artist in Residence production.
Our topic for this term is Fairy Tales which has been lovely to intertwine this into our reading and writing elements of the curriculum. Students have been looking at the structure of fairy tales, compare and contrasting them to different versions of the same title, and sequencing events that have happened.
In writing, students have been focusing on how to describe a character or setting and exciting ways to start or finish a story. All of these skills, and more, will eventually come together with students publishing a picture story book.
In maths, we have been focusing on fractions. Students have learnt how to represent a fraction and how to label a fraction from a collection of objects. We have loved being creative and hands on in maths lessons the last couple of weeks, with lots of light bulb moments.