
The Preps have had a busy start to Term 4. We started off with our Bollywood performance in week one. All the preps had a great time learning their dance and loved performing for all their family and friends. They did a fantastic job and put in so much effort to make their performance wonderful.
During the first few weeks of term 4 the Preps have been learning how to write a two-idea sentence. They are working very hard with their writing using joining words ‘and, but, because’. They have been doing a fabulous job and have written some great sentences so far.
Last week we started counting in Maths. The Preps have been learning how to count over the ten (E.g., 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32). Students have used hands on materials such as unifex blocks and mini whiteboards to demonstrate their learning and understand how the numbers change when counting over the ten.
As always, the Preps look forward to learning with their Grade 5/6 Buddies every Friday. Last week the Preps worked with their buddies outside doing a scavenger hunt. They enjoyed every minute of this activity, and it was great to do some learning outside while the sun was shining.
We are looking forward to having lots of fun and learning much more in our final term as Preps of 2023!