Physical Education

The whole Lancefield Primary School would like to congratulate the amazing efforts of three students who competed at the Regional Athletics Championships in Bendigo a couple of weeks ago. Congratulations to Xavier Brown who finished 5th overall in the 9/10 boys long jump, Zayne Van Der Kraan who finished 5th overall in the 11 years boys 100m and Finley Emmerson who finished 4th overall in the 11years boys 200m metres and came an incredible 2nd place in the 11 years boys 1500m meaning he goes on to compete at the State Athletics Championships.
We are so proud of these students and the amazing passion and determination they’ve put in to get these results. Good luck Finley, the whole school will be cheering for you!!
As I write this newsletter piece, the sun is shining and there is not a single cloud in the sky. Naturally, as a PE teacher, these are ideal conditions for Athletics with the junior grades and Ultimate Frisbee with the senior grades. However, with Spring being so unpredictable, these stunning conditions will not be sticking around… in fact one day next week it will be raining and 11 degrees. In saying all this, there is a point… we are very adaptable here at LPS and are so lucky to have the gym as a back-up on the days we can’t practice our leaping into the long jump pit or flinging frisbees for metres across the oval. Once the unpredictable weather decides to leave us alone, the Preps-2s will be ready for their Junior Athletics Carnival in Week 7 (Friday 24th November). We’ve already done some relay running and long jumping and the next few weeks we will be doing triple jump, egg and spoons races and some vortex throwing. I’ll keep everyone up to the date with the details of the day as it approaches and I will also be needing some parent helpers for the day.
In Health this term, all classes will be learning about and doing activities around Positive Body Image and how to create safe boundaries around ourselves. We are doing most of this through the Butterfly Body Bright and Respectful Relationships, which are two age-appropriate and amazing programs targeting primary-aged students. I’m excited to teach this to all grades as it enables us to take a whole-school-approach to some very important topics around respect, inclusivity and positive body image.
I think that’s all from me…have a great few weeks and enjoy the sunshine/ rain/ wind/ heat/ cold….