Principal's Report

Welcome to term 4 everyone. Great to see everyone back at school after a relaxing spring break. We had a fabulous start to the term with our Bollywood extravaganza in week one. Everyone really embraced the opportunity to learn all about India and the seasons of the year through dance and music. Thank you to all parents and carers for supporting children by bringing them along to the concert and enjoying the fabulous evening.
Fundraising Efforts
We are really pleased to announce that our recent Trivia Night raised $9231.00 which is an amazing effort. We are so grateful for the generosity shown towards our school by our community, families and LPS friends. School Council have decided that funds raised will be spent in the following ways: supporting the purchase of new chrome books for the use of all students, much needed new library shelving for the class atrium area and the provision of a whole school experience for our students in 2024. The Lancefield Uniting Church have also very generously donated $2,500.00 this year to go towards our ICT purchases. This along with our fundraising efforts has really provided us with the opportunity to update our aging bank of chrome books.
Prep 2024
We are holding an information evening for our 2024 prep parents and carers on Wednesday 1st of November in the WMC from 6-7pm. Please see the flyer in this newsletter ( community newsfor more information. We encourage all parents and carers to attend even if you already have children at school. You always learn something new and all children have differing needs when they start school.
Christmas Family Picnic and Concert - Keep this date free!
Our annual LPS family end of year picnic and concert will be held on Friday 1st of December from 5 - 6.30pm. All classes will present a short concert item performing on the large steps at the basketball court. The concert will begin at 5.30pm. BYO picnic and treats, blankets and chairs. LPS School Council would like to remind everyone that this is an ALCOHOL FREE event. Coming up in the next few weeks we will be sending home information regarding our annual Christmas Hamper Raffle! Always a well loved event at the end of the year. We will be posting information on Compass in week five.
Finally, I have heard nothing but fabulous reports about our 5/6's on camp in Melbourne! We are all so proud of our students representing our school with such fabulous manners, awareness of others, respect and embracing all activities with enthusiasm. Thank you also to the staff who attended not only the 5/6 but our 3/4 camp last term, our school community appreciates your commitment to our students and school.
Thank you to Max and teddy for your impromptu report at assembly about your 5/6 camp experiences, great job! Make sure you read more about the Melbourne camp further in the newsletter.
I am reading....
"North Woods" by Daniel Mason
I am listening to...
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
I am enjoying....early morning walks and runs