Digital Technologies News

The Year 5-6 performance provides an excellent opportunity for the conversation of green time versus screen time. 


When we talk about green time and screen time we are referring to the amount of time spent in offline activities versus time spent online. This could be a great opportunity to have a discussion with your children about what green time and screen time looks like. 


You may make a plan for the holidays for how much green time and screen time you have. By asking the children to think about what green time activities they could participate in, it not only gives them a voice and input into their activity but can guide them when they have “nothing to do”. 


Through creating a plan for green time and screen time you can work together towards a healthy balance of both activities throughout the holidays that works for your family. 


In the beginning of Term 4 we will be continuing with our Cyber safe journey in partnership with Inform and Empower. Children will begin the term with the final incursion building upon the learning throughout the year and the reminder that it is always important to be vigilant and safe when participating in the online world. 


Have a safe and happy break.


Jennifer Young

Digital Technologies Leader