Religious Education News

Dear Families,


We have arrived at the completion of another term of learning and teaching. It is a good opportunity to first of all give thanks for all the blessings bestowed upon us and secondly to highlight our achievements. We ask our students to think about and explain their learning and I would like to share some of my learning this term.  


Celebrating sacraments are one of the most special times in a person’s life.  We completed our sacramental program this term with our year 6 students receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.  I feel privileged that I could be part of this event as well as the other sacraments— Reconciliation and Eucharist. It takes me back to my sacraments and the joy I felt at each stage of my Catholic journey.  


Another focus for me is daily prayer. Each class structures prayer in a way that best suits them depending on their needs and year level.  I get a lot of fulfillment during prayer times in my class. It never ceases to amaze me at the level of insight and connection to the world that young people have.


Here are some of our students’ voices about their learning in Religious Education.



Year 4

In religion we have learnt about many things, from Stories to Scriptures to Parables. We also learnt about The Old Testament and The New Testament. The Old Testament is full of stories leading up to Jesus’ life, however The New Testament is full of stories about Jesus’ life and how he sacrificed himself for us. My favourite activity was when we were writing about parables. A parable is a religious story that includes a moral. A moral is a lesson that is taught during a bible story from either The New Testament or The Old Testament. A scripture is another thing we learnt during Religion. It is a story from the christian bible.

By Xavier Newell, Year 4




Year 3

This term in religion, my class has learnt a number of things. First of all, we learnt about the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is everything that happened before Jesus was alive, while the New Testament is about Jesus’s life. We also learnt about parables and scripture. Parables are religious stories that have a moral and  scripture is a story from the christian bible. One of the very fun and informative activities was when we split into groups and had to make a slideshow with a story from the Old Testament. Some of the stories were Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, The Creation Story, Moses and The Red Sea and Adam and Eve. That is everything we have learnt about this term.                                  

By Lila Younane



Year 2

We say a prayer and we sing a Jesus song. We learn about Jesus from the songs.  Jesus’ heart is very kind. We talk about how much we need Jesus and who he died for us.

Aariana and Charlie, Year 2 


Year 1

We have done four types of prayers — thank you prayer, sorry prayer, forgiving prayer, grateful prayer. Grateful prayer is for something God has made already, Sorry prayer is saying sorry to God if you have done something  bad.

Giada and Eleanor Year 1


Year 6

In religion this term we have mainly learnt about stewardship. We have learnt that stewardship is how we take care of God's creation. We should all be good stewards and do simple things to make sure our land should be as beautiful as possible. To be a good steward, you have to remember you work for God, you have to be kind, wise and faithful. I think that a good steward is also respectful, careful and loving.

This term year 6’s also received the sacrament of confirmation. We learnt about what we were going to do while we received the sacrament and learnt about the holy trinity. The holy trinity is the father, the son and the holy spirit. We learnt about saints and made a project about the saint we chose for our confirmation. Saint Lucy was a martyr and was thrown in fire, but God protected her. We learnt about what the holy spirit was, the holy spirit is like a part of everyone's family who loves us to the very end. The holy spirit is like a person since it has actions of its own, but mainly, the holy spirit guides us and keeps us safe. We learnt about the gifts of the holy spirit. Wisdom is like the window to God's heart and you can see all of his goodness. Understanding gives a reason why we have faith in God. Counsel is also known as right judgement and shows us what's right and wrong. Fortitude is courage and bravery, it gives us courage to show we love God. Knowledge helps us understand God and see how he is so good. Piety shows we worship and love God. Finally, fear of the Lord, also known as wonder and awe, is showing us God's awesomeness. 

Alissa Year 6



The preps have been learning about the life of Jesus. We learned about how our lives are the same and different to Jesus. We have been praying to Jesus too.