EAL Domain Spotlight

Preparing for Exams, Exploring Persuasive Writing, and Learning from Anne Frank


Year 12 EAL Students Are In Exam Preparation Mode!

As the end of the year approaches, our Year 12 EAL students are rising to the challenge of their upcoming exams. With dedication and hard work, they have been busy honing their language skills, improving their reading comprehension, and perfecting their writing abilities. Led by our passionate and experienced EAL teachers, they are well on their way to achieving success in their final assessments. We are proud of their commitment and determination!


Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 Students Engage in the Art of Persuasion

In our ongoing effort to enhance our students' communication skills, Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 students have been exploring the fascinating world of persuasive writing. Our EAL English teachers have been guiding them through various techniques and strategies employed by skilled writers to convince, influence, and capture the imagination of readers. Our students are learning to craft persuasive arguments, structure their writing effectively, and develop their critical thinking abilities.


Unveiling the Story of Anne Frank to Year 9 Students

Our Year 9 students have recently embarked on an enlightening journey through the story of Anne Frank. This account of a young girl's experiences during the Holocaust has captivated our students. Our teachers have been helping our students comprehend the historical context, empathize with the characters, and reflect on the importance of tolerance, understanding, and human rights.



Megan Dixon

CALD Leader