School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
This week Mitcham Primary School excitedly launched our Mitchcoins! The Mitchcoins are used to acknowledge positive behaviours we are seeing across the school that relate back to our school values. When students receive these tokens they then add them to the our school tally which is on display in the office area. Once the tally reaches certain levels there will be whole school celebrations. It has been so wonderful to see how our students responded to our acknowledgments and the excitement they had when they added their token to the tally. If any tokens make their way home, please celebrate them and then return them back to school so they can be added to the school tally display!
What an amazing first week of tokens. The kids have seemed so excited by them and it is lovely to see.
Because we have absolutely smashed the first week, we have already made it to the first reward stage (WOO!!). Based on the results from the students the first reward is extra play time.
If your students want to know the next stages of the rewards are;
- Extra play time
- PJ Day
- After lunch games
- Dress up day
- Whole school movie
- Icy poles