Meet a student

10 minutes with…

Past student... Breaze Cremona!



Tell us a little bit about your life since you left Marian College.

Since graduating from Marian College in 2018, I have completed a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at Monash University. Currently, I am completing post-graduate studies. I was always a little unsure about where I wanted university to take me. In year 12 I thought I would have to have everything sorted out and my pathway set, but truth is, it’s so fine not to know! I decided after a lot of contemplating that I wanted to be a nurse. Next year, I will graduate with a Master of Nursing Practice as a newly qualified registered nurse which is super exciting! Other than studying, in the past 5 years, I have found myself travelling and catching A LOT of flights – visiting various parts of Asia, including the hidden and rural places. I also regularly volunteer at the Royal Children’s Hospital and attend various fundraising events through an organisation known as Very Special Kids. Life has been absolutely chaotic since I stepped out of the big red gates at Marian College, and while I miss being a student and having to worry about my meetings clashing or what I was packing for lunch, I wouldn’t change where I am now for the world!


What did you like most about being a student at Marian College?

Marian College will always hold a very special place in my heart. As a student, I enjoyed being part of such an amazing community. There was constantly an opportunity to grow, whether it be through trips such as the Central Australia Immersion Trip, or the leadership opportunities offered, there was always room for growth. I liked being able to get to school and always have friendly faces down the halls, whether that be staff or students, there was always someone or something to be grateful for. I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today without the support I received from Marian College. Being a student at Marian allowed me to realise my potential and exceed my own expectations. 


Who inspired you?

The teachers at Marian were, and will always be, a huge inspiration to me. They are so determined to make sure you leave knowing you did your best. I was always encouraged and supported to take responsibility for my own learning. They all inspired me to find my own path and figure things out for myself, giving me a sense of independence that definitely carried through my education at university. Ms Williams, in particular, carried me through my journey at Marian, providing a lot of guidance through leadership and my studies. I’m forever grateful for the role she had throughout school. 


What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?

The biggest challenge facing teenage girls today in my opinion is figuring out who they are in a crowd of people. There’s always a lot of pressure to keep up with everyone else and follow the trends. My biggest piece of advice would be to follow your own path, don’t stick with the crowd and you will eventually be led down the right track.


What advice would you give to students at Marian College?

Don’t take high school for granted. I think the biggest mistake students make is just moving through the motions, trying to get to the finish line as quick as possible. Not everyone likes school and that’s okay, just as long as you can look back at your high school journey in the future and know you tried as hard as you possibly could, you’ve succeeded - no matter the outcome. Marian College is a great place for you to give things a go, the support I received as a student was unmatched, take it while you can. 


Favourite food and drink. 

My favourite food would have to be a big bowl of Nonna’s pasta! My favourite drink would have to be coffee, definitely fuels me through a uni week or shift on the ward. 


Favourite holiday destination. 

My favourite holiday destination would have to be Asia at the moment, specifically the Philippines. I visited this amazing country at the beginning of 2020, just before we got put into our first COVID-19 lockdown and it was incredible. The islands are beautiful and the people are so welcoming, I did a bit of volunteer work in schools and local communities too which was an amazing experience. I would love to go back. 


Favourite TV show, movie and book. 

My favourite TV show would have to be Grey’s Anatomy. My favourite movie would have to be Mamma Mia. My favourite book would have to be The Very Hungry Caterpillar (I haven’t had much time to read anything other than textbooks lately - don’t judge me).   


What are your dreams for the future? 

I hope to one day be involved in travel nursing, volunteering or working overseas in communities that are disadvantaged or lack an adequate healthcare system. I hope to make an impact beyond home and leave a lasting impression that may save a life or two. 


Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?

  1. Walt Disney
  2. Florence Nightingale
  3. Dwayne Johnson
  4. Lisa Simpson 
  5. Neale Daniher