Middle Years

- Mr Ben Hawthorne

Sports Finals – Learning from a Loss


Last weekend I watched four grand finals that involved College teams in both basketball and hockey. Unfortunately, only one of these four games finished with the College team I was associated with winning. The disappointment of losing a grand final was apparent, but it illustrated how handling disappointment is a valuable skill that can help shape your growth as a player and as a person.


Dealing with the disappointment of losing a grand final (or any final) offers many great life lessons for young players and students. Losing certainly hurts at the time, but by embracing their emotions, focusing on the positives of the season, learning from their experiences, setting new goals, maintaining a positive mindset, and practicing resilience, students can transform this disappointment into the motivation to become a better and more determined player. Many coaches outline that the path to success is not linear, so a student's ability to overcome setbacks becomes part of their journey. 


Congratulations to those middle years students involved in winning their grand finals and for those who lost, I encourage you to embrace the challenges of learning from this experience and remember that loss is an opportunity for growth and future success.


I wish all students a safe and relaxing break and look forward to seeing the middle years students in Term 4.