Parents' and Friends'

Open Garden

The P&F Open Gardens event is next month! Many of parents have been working behind the scenes busily preparing a wonderful day out in two of the Western District’s most picturesque gardens. Tickets are on sale now and we are so looking forward to this wonderful day, made possible by David Wyner of Arrandoovong and Harry and Min Youngman of Ardgarten.


Purchase tickets here: 

Christmas Cakes 

Thank you to all the amazing parents who volunteered their time this week to commence the Christmas cake preparations. All the ingredients were weighed and set up within a couple of hours over two mornings. Many hands make light work! We especially thank the boarding parents who travelled to be a part of the group, it was lovely to have you join us! 


We will be reconvening between the 9-13 October to mix and deliver to Baker’s Delight and we look forward to connecting with parents once again. If you would like to come along, even for a short time, please let us know via email - we would love to meet you and are grateful for the assistance! Warm beverages and morning tea provided. We particularly invite any Dads along as well! Cakes will be available for sale shortly after this from the Senior and Junior Campuses, The Rox Café, Tosca Browns and from our stall at the Open Gardens. 

Raffle tickets (see image below for prizes)

We have three wonderful weekend accommodation prizes on offer, so please support our fundraising by purchasing tickets from the front reception at the Junior and Senior Campus or email us if you would like to purchase online at


The incredible accommodations come with dinner at beautiful local restaurants and Coonawarra wine to take with you! The raffle will be drawn at our Open Garden, Sunday 29 October, tickets are $5 each. Thank you to our generous contributors who have donated these prizes for our fundraising ventures. 

Second Hand Uniforms

As the vastly improved weather indicates, summer uniforms need to be retrieved from the back of the wardrobes and checked to see if they still fit! If you find yourself in a pickle and would like to view many excellent quality, second-hand uniforms, please make an appointment with Zoe Price 0400 0175 65. 


Our next Parents’ and Friends’ meeting will be held on 17 October and we welcome anyone who would like to join us in person or via teams from 6:30pm onwards. Please email us and we can provide the link. 


We wish all families and the hardworking and dedicated teaching and support staff of our school a safe and restful break and send our support to our Year 11 and 12 students and their parents as they prepare in the next few weeks for exams!


Amanda Nagorcka
