From the Principal 

Mr Michael Horne

At the end of a full and busy term I would like to extend my thanks to a number of staff who have filled positions this term or who are finishing their time at the College at the end of this week. My thanks to Julie Templeton and Ian Clare, who have been with us covering Leigh Alexander’s classes while he has been on long-service leave. Julie and Ian have brought considerable experience in the PE, Outdoor Education and Geography areas, from which the students have benefitted greatly. Amanda Archer is also concluding her work with us this week. Amanda has been a great support to students as a Learning Support Assistant, as well as a superb influence in the boarding house. Amanda goes to an exciting position in the government sector and takes our gratitude and best wishes. 


I wish all College families a restful and energising holiday break. I will, though have to exclude our Year 12s from that, as they don’t really get a break. The upcoming holiday period is a very important opportunity for them to be completing practice exams, seeking advice and feedback from their teachers, and then attending the formal revision program in the second week of the break. Keep focused, keep your effort up, and I look forward to seeing you in at the College in the second week of your ‘holidays’.    


Two annual school events are approaching and Senior Campus parents are welcome to attend:


House Music - Friday 15 September


Senior School Speech Day - Friday 20 October

Please note, that seating is limited; therefore, registrations for this event are required.