Production News

Our production is only a week away! It is a very exciting time!

Please read the following information carefully (the same as the Operoo sent earlier in the week) to ensure everyone is prepared for the big day!


What to wear on the day:

On the day of the production, students will be required to come to school wearing the following:

  • Black leggings, track pants or dance pants (no shorts please)
  • A plain singlet or t-shirt for changing purposes (this will remain underneath their main costume during the performance)
  • All black closed toed shoes (preferably rubber soled, no other colours present please)
  • Black socks, if needed
  • Long hair in a ponytail or bun (all hair off face)
  • Stage makeup 
    • Foundation that matches their skin tone
    • Eyeliner
    • Mascara
    • Lipstick (light burgundy)

Just a reminder, all students are required to wear makeup. This makeup needs to be applied at home before coming to school.


Face paint will be applied at the theatre. Please see the linked Safety Data Sheet for the face paint product, in case of any concerns.


Please take note of the requirement for all black shoes. We had originally planned to perform barefoot but unfortunately, due to the OHS regulations of Frankston Arts Centre, we have had to change the plan to black shoes that will be worn at all times, including on the stage. Some lead characters may have different shoe requirements.


What to bring on the day:

We kindly request that students do not bring a school bag or any devices on the production day. If school bags or devices are brought to school they will be left on the school site (and given a small plastic bag for their lunch) as there is no room at the theatre to store any larger items.


Please only bring a small bag with lunch, snack and a water bottle. Please ensure that all items are labeled.



Production Day Schedule:

8.45am - 9.30am: Bus shuttles from St Augustine's School to Frankston Arts Centre

9.30am - 10.00am: Student snack break at the theatre

10.00am - 12.00pm: On stage rehearsal

12.00pm - 12.30pm: Student lunch break

1.30pm - 2.30pm: Matinee Performance

2.40pm - 3.00pm: Students are picked up/signed out from Frankston Arts Centre

2.45pm: Students booked into OHSC (and Operoo completed) travel via bus back to St Augustine's School

5.00pm: All students dropped off/signed in at Frankston Arts Centre

6.00pm - 7.15pm: Evening Performance

7.25pm - 7.45pm: Students are signed out and dismissed from Frankston Arts Centre


Sign in/Sign Out Process:

We have implemented a QR code sign in/out system at this year’s production to ensure the safety of all children. The QR codes will be displayed at the sign in/sign out areas, as outlined below. No child will be able to leave the venue until the QR code has been completed and shown to a member of staff. 

All students must be picked up/signed out by their parent/guardian unless the school has received written permission from parents with an alternative pickup person. If this is the case, please contact the school office.


Prep to Grade 4 -

2.40pm sign out from Frankston Arts Centre

Students in Prep to Grade 4 will be dismissed from the mezzanine/dress circle foyer after the matinee/1.30pm performance. There will be staff stationed at the bottom of the stairs who will be coordinating the sign out process. Please do not come up the stairsthe students will be sent down to their parent/guardian once the QR code has been completed and shown to staff.


5pm sign in at Cube 37

Please arrive as close to 5pm as possible for the evening performance. Students in Prep to Grade 4 will be signed in at the glass door entrance to Cube 37. Please ensure that you have completed the QR Code check in (select the “second performance” option) and that a teacher has ticked your child off the list before leaving. All students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to the sign in table, please do not drop them off in the driveway.


7.25pm sign out from Cube 37

After the evening performance, all students in Prep to Grade 4 will be signed out from the Cube 37 entrance. Once again, the QR code needs to be completed and shown to the staff members at the sign out table before a child is able to be dismissed. This pickup will be first in, best dressed. Please ensure you are in an orderly queue to make this process easier.


Grade 5/6 and Lead Character students -

Students in Grade 5/6 and those housed in the dressing rooms behind the stage (lead characters) will be signed in and out from the Stage Door, located next to the roller door between the theatre building and Cube 37. The QR code must be used to sign in and sign out students each time.


If you have children in 5/6 and in younger grades, they will need to be collected from the two different areas.


After School Care:

Students who are booked into ASC (and have permission through Operoo) will be transported via bus from the Frankston Arts Centre to St Augustine’s at 2.45 - 3pm. 


However, please note that it is the responsibility of families to ensure that students are picked up from ASC in enough time to arrive back at the Frankston Arts Centre for the 5pm evening performance drop off.




Mrs L-C






Young@Part ®