St Brigid's News and Events

News from 5/6

In the 5/6 level we have been learning how to track and use our money responsibly. We have been given the task of creating a theme park with a partner. We have to work out what we earn, spend, and how many people come to our theme park. The task includes placing major and minor rides, food courts, toilet blocks, and many more.


In Religion, the 5/6's have been learning about the Rosary Beads, which prayers they represent and how to use them. We also learned about how many decades it holds. We had to draw the Rosary in our everything books and wrote which prayer you pray for each of the beads. Lastly, we learned about the four mysteries you can pray for when you get to the right bead on the Rosary. 


In Stretch and Inquiry, we have been looking at electricity. We created a small circuit with two wires, a battery, and a small light bulb as one of our activities. We were instructed to use these materials and attempt to turn on the light bulb. We then used this experiment to practice our skills in procedural writing. 


Christmas Family Fun Task

Merry Christmas Family Fun Activity


For the next few weeks of term we are asking families to create their own Christmas tree to decorate our school. 


Because Christmas is the holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ, as a light in the dark world, the lit tree became a reminder of that light. The Christmas tree also represents the Tree of Life, commonly recognised as the most important tree in the garden of Eden.


The artwork can be a picture, painting or a sculpture (Three dimensional tree that stands alone). The materials you use can’t be purchased, you may however beg, steal (as long as you ask) or borrow the materials you need. You can use things you already have at home. The Christmas Trees are due the week beginning Monday 27th of November. This is so that all the trees can be displayed during the final days of term. All trees will need to be taken home by the children during the last few days of term, week 11.


Task rules

  • One Tree per family.
  • Recycled materials to be used.
  • The Christmas Tree can be any height/width of up to a maximum of 1 Metre. (remember you have to transport it to and from school)
  • 2D Tree images should be a maximum size A2 this is 420 x 594mm

Enjoy making your Christmas tree, we can’t wait to make St Brigid’s sparkle ready for Christmas. 


In the artist spotlight this week is Harry from 1S. In Grade1/2 we are looking at pattern, we looked at the work of Sonia Delaunay and created our own artwork using circles.







Tickets are available through CDFpay. Adults are $15.00 and children (5 to 18 Years) $10.00.   Parents please note - You do not need to buy a ticket for your St Brigid's child.  Tickets are limited at this stage to 5 per family.  Ticket sales close 9:00am on Wednesday 1st of November.



Aspendale Youth Cove

Aspendale Youth Cove is a satellite pop-up space providing opportunities for young people to engage with Youth Services and participate in a variety of activities. Art MondaysFrom 4 - 5.30pm weekly@ Aspendale Gardens Community Centre To join, you must be between the ages of 11 and 17 and connected to the City of Kingston (live, work, study) More information and sign up


Book Club brochures went out this week.  Orders are due TOMORROW -  Friday 20th October.  We ask that all orders are placed online.




Just a quick reminder to families - our Uniform Shop has now moved off site.  PSW's shop is located at 1 Age Street, Cheltenham.  We are selling  the PSW hats via CDFpay.  A reminder that all students are required to be in the new St Brigid's Uniform by the start of Term 1, 2024.


Blessing of the Pets

St Mary of the Cross Parish News

Please refer to the Parish website