Principal's Message

Welcome back Launchers!
What a holidays we had! The change in weather bringing the feeling of ‘Spring has arrived’ was certainly welcomed and seemed much more sudden than in recent years. I hope you all enjoyed the opportunity to reintroduce your kids to the backyard as I did and keep them nice and busy. Our trampoline is a big hit at the moment with even our almost two year old twins enjoying themselves in what seems like a relatively risk free space. The beautiful weather seems to have taken a break for this week although I’m sure it will return shortly.
It was lovely to see your children return to school last week and jump straight back into their well-established routines. Visiting classrooms this week I see calm and engaged students and lots of great learning taking place. A big thank you to our staff for their strong preparation for the term.
Staffing Arrangements – Term Four
Wednesday, parents of Year 5/6H families were sent a hard copy letter and a Compass post informing them that Sarah Hartshorn will be taking some leave this term. Ashleigh Bence, who has been teaching at Launch since Term Two will move into this role for the remainder of Term Four. If you missed the letter and Compass check on with Audrey at the office to grab a copy.
Recruitment continues for 2024
Over the Term Three break we advertised three positions on Recruitment Online in preparation for 2024.
- Learning Specialist (3 year tenure)
- Classroom teacher
- Tutor Learning Initiative (Family Leave)
The application period for these roles has now closed and our selection panel is working through the next stages of the process. We look forward to sharing further information with our school community as it becomes available. We will shortly also have additional roles advertised as the addition of two classes, one at Prep and the other at 5/6 requires more teaching staff.
A reminder that our class structure for 2024 will be:
Prep | Prep | ||
1/2 | 2 | ||
3/4 | 3/4 | ||
5/6 | 5/6 | 5/6 |
Let’s be Sunsmart
As the weather warms up we want to be promoting good sun smart habits with hats and sunscreen becoming a part of our everyday habits. To enable this to happen I’m asking that you please ensure your child/ren have a school hat for wear during the day. As of next week Monday 9th October student without hats will be asked to remain on the library deck area out the front of the office or stay under the HEX veranda.
Beginning next Monday, students will also be given the opportunity to apply sunscreen during recess eating. The office will provide a big pump pack of Woolworths Sunscreen Spf 50+ 1 by next Monday 9th October for each class, we are not forcing students to wear the sunscreen, just providing it as a sensible option.
If families wish their child to use a different brand (I know some students have allergies) they can provide this, named, for their child. Just a reminder that students are also more than welcome to wear sunglasses at break times, please just make sure these are relatively robust and nothing 'special'. It seems we have a particularly warm summer ahead of us, so lets look after our little ones' skins as best we can.
Did you know about CARER groups?
CARER describes our school values:
Curiosity – We ask questions to learn.
Achievement – We persist and try our best.
Respect – We show care and compassion for ourselves, others and the environment.
Empathy – We treat others with care and compassion.
Responsibility – We are in control of our learning and our actions.
Our second Friday at 9:00am all our students gather in multi-age groups with one teacher, who is not their usual classroom teacher to engage in further learning about ‘HOW’ and ‘WHY’ to demonstrate these above values, which also link to our School Expectations. These groups are called our 'CARER Groups'. This time provides a valuable opportunity for students to connect with younger and older peers as well as build a relationship with an additional staff member. In recent sessions students have been sharing the reading of some big books that we recently purchased with our Mental Health funds that we and all other schools were provided from DET to put towards further improving wellbeing. Students then participate in activities to reinforce the messages of each book, which varied from growth mindsets, friendship, getting along with others and being responsible. CARER groups is just one way we build and maintain positive relationships in our school.
Rewriting our Literacy Scope and Sequence
In preparation for 2024 and some additional school staff we are taking this opportunity to re-write the methods we use to teach the English curriculum at Launch. With many of our staff having attended additional professional learning this year we are keen to make sure our Literacy practices are based on current research. If parents or families have ideas or suggestions of elements they would like to see adjusted, included or removed from our Literacy teaching please pop us an email: We value your feedback.
Littering Poster Competition
Our Junior School Council thanks everyone who entered posters into their poster comp. All the entries were too great and unique to choose a winner so each entry will receive a $10 Woolie voucher. Check out some of our students great work below and on the windows of our classrooms. Prizes will be awarded at assembly tomorrow.
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy