Message from the Principal

Dear Families
Welcome to Term 4 – I trust everyone had a restful and well-deserved break, and you are looking forward to the beginning of the last term for 2023.
Term 4 is a very busy term where there are special ceremonies and events to mark the transitions to the next phase of our students’ learning journeys. In coming weeks, we will be welcoming our 2023 Prep students for two orientation sessions onsite and our SLA students are going on camp at Coastal Forest Lodge in Anglesea. Rhoe, Michael, Jill, Anabelle
and Connie will be attending camp with our students and I wish them all a wonderful time together.
Additional important events to note are our School Athletics day, the Fun Run, and our Carols evening. Please add these dates to your calendars and keep the date free and join us.
This is also the term when leaders and staff will begin to plan for next year. We are also working with MACS staff to formulate our school improvement and annual actions plans for the next four years as the final part of the Review process.
3 Way Conversations
Special thanks to families for attending 3 way conversations at the end of last term. It is so important that you know your child’s teacher and that they know you! We know that when parents work in partnership with the school, student learning is enhanced. The information and insights you provide, further assists teachers in meeting your child’s needs and supporting them as a person and as a learner. At St Joseph the Worker, we value the role of parents and families as the first, most important and continuing educators of their children. It is a privilege for us to join and work with you to provide a positive learning environment and the best opportunities in knowledge and faith to support your child's growth in their learning journey.
Prep 2024 Orientation Days
Our 2024 Prep orientation sessions will take place next term from on the following days:
- Prep Orientation Day One: Friday,20th October 9.00am – 10.30am
- Prep Orientation Day Two: Friday, 3rd November 9.00am – 10.30am
Mobile Phones at School
Please note that all students who bring their mobile phones at school need to drop them off at the office at the beginning of the day and collect them at the end of the day. Students are not to use their phones whilst on the school grounds. Please consider the necessity of your child having their phone at school. Any watches that can take videos or photos is not permitted to be worn with the school uniform and also must be handed into the office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day.
Working together
Finally, a gentle reminder. Your child’s safety, wellbeing and learning are our priorities. When there are concerns or breaches of expected behaviours, the school follows clear policies, processes, and procedures to work through the challenges to ensure positive outcomes for all. These policies are provided by Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) and they are a legal requirement. At enrolment parents/ guardians agree to follow these.
In the event that you have a concern related to your child, please contact the school to arrange a meeting and we will discuss your concerns. It is not helpful and at times counter-productive when the school is advised only after other parents have been involved. All matters discussed remain confidential. We discuss the concern and do not name any other students involved. Please also remember that all parents/guardians have signed a Parent Code of Conduct which outlines the appropriate behaviour expected of parents when onsite.
As it was St Frances of Assisi feast day on Wednesday, 4th October, l have included his prayer below The feast commemorates the life of St Francis, who was born in the 12th century and is the Catholic Church's patron saint of animals and the environment.
May St Joseph the Worker continue to bless us and watch over us
Maria Barnes