From the Director of Curriculum

Chelsea Mouritz

Moderation Meetings

Friday 1 September allowed teachers of Year 11 and 12 Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC) courses to participate in Moderation. The College had several staff members engage in discussions surrounding moderation of assessment to ensure comparability of standards between classes and schools, and to ensure fairness in assessment for all students statewide.


Teachers participated in these thorough and rich conversations to build a shared common understanding of the criteria standards in the courses they teach. 

Quality Assurance Meetings

Similarly, the TASC Quality Assurance meetings for specified Level 2 courses also provide opportunities for teachers to discuss and assess student work. Several College teachers will engage in these experiences over the coming weeks.

Professional Learning 

While many teachers were preparing and participating in moderation and QA meetings, secondary teachers engaged in professional learning experiences at the College. Exploration of high impacting teaching strategies and The Science of Learning encouraged meaningful discussion surrounding how lessons are structured for best practice pedagogy.


The research underpinning the workshop was derived from Barak Rosenshine, who shares 10 Principles of Instruction, which is explained in more detailed in the infographic below. Teachers reflected on and planned for opportunities to embed Rosenshine’s principles into their pedagogy to build student capacity.