From the Deputy Principal

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

Wellbeing Week

Next week the College will celebrate Wellbeing Week. Wellbeing is the combination of feeling good and functioning well (Huppert & So, 2013), and it includes the presence of positive emotions, good social relationships, a sense of competence and feeling engaged in life. At St Mary’s College, we believe that the wellbeing of all students is paramount in allowing them to achieve both academic and personal success. We need to provide the skillset for all our students to be the very best they can be and to flourish. 


The week will be mapped out in accordance with the 5 Steps of Wellbeing: Be Active, Keep Learning, Connect, Be Aware and Give.

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Monday – Take Notice: This theme is all about increasing our self-awareness. When we develop a better connection to ourselves and become more mindful, we have a better awareness of our thoughts, sensations and feelings which can increase our wellbeing, ability to cope, healthy behaviours and positively influence our mental health. Mindfulness opportunities including meditation will be practised throughout the week. 


Tuesday – Give: Students will have an opportunity to express their gratitude in a variety of ways. Expressing gratitude can positively change our brain by boosting dopamine and serotonin, which work to improve our mood and can strengthen our social connections. 


Wednesday – Connect: Developing close relationships and socialising with friends, family and others is important for good health and wellbeing. Students will enjoy a picnic on the College Green at lunch time with biscuits and milkshakes for sale. The theme of House Meetings will be R U OK? with an emphasis on the importance of conversations and supporting others when they are not OK. 


Thursday – Keep Learning: Continued learning across all ages is important for happiness, health and wellbeing. It can be challenging to do something in a different way, learning something new or in different environments. Students will be encouraged to consider how they can develop resilience when faced with challenges. 


Friday – Be Active: A walk around the block, 'Just Dance' in the Nagle Centre, skipping, hula hooping and the final of the Senior School Dodgeball competition are merely some of the activities on offer for students. The message is that exercise does not need to be intense. Instead, exercise needs to be enjoyable and something that we can do every day. 


Footy Colours Day: To conclude Wellbeing Week, all students are encouraged to dress up in their footy colours on Friday for a gold coin donation. 

Sun hats 

Given the milder weather of late, Wellbeing Week also marks the return to sunhats for students. We know that children and adolescents are at school during peak UV radiation times, five days a week. Furthermore, sun exposure in adolescence greatly increases the chances of developing skin cancer later in life. Therefore, in keeping with the College’s Sun Protection Policy Guidelines, students who do not have an appropriate sun protective hat will be asked to stay in shaded areas. 

Circle of Life

As previously communicated to parents and carers, Monique Hall from the Catholic Education Office will facilitate the ‘Circle of Life’ Relationships and Sexuality Education Program. In 2023 students in Prep, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 will participate. Students who don't attend a session this year will participate in 2024. 

Prefect for Wellbeing 

Finally, I would like to acknowledge Brooke Sice, Prefect for Wellbeing, for her organisation of the many activities on offer with the support of the Year 12 Prefects. 

School cocurricular photographs 

Next Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 September, the cocurricular group photographs will be taken for the 2023 Santa Maria yearbook. These groups include sports teams, ensembles and other co-curricular groups.


Please note the following important information: 


Tuesday 19 September: Cocurricular non-sporting and sporting photographs. 

Students will need to wear the appropriate uniform that corresponds with the photos in which they will feature. For example, formal uniform, including the College blazer (no jumper) for non-sporting photos, or sports uniform for sporting photos (see more below). 


Wednesday 20 September: Cocurricular sporting group photographs only. 

Students from Year 3 to 12 are permitted to wear the sports uniform. Students will be required to wear the tracksuit pants and College polo top for the photographs.


Regrettably, if students are not wearing the correct uniform, they will not have their photograph taken. The schedule for both days will be shared with students. Students are to arrive punctually so that they do not miss the photographs, especially given the large number of photographs scheduled across the two days.