Student Awards & Birthdays
Principal Awards
Student Awards & Birthdays
Principal Awards
Principal Awards | |
PA - Dunn Fletcher W | Fletcher has made an awesome start to school in Prep! He is helpful to his classmates and sets a good example in the way he listens and follows instructions. Well done Fletcher! |
PB - Mortlock Ebi C
| Ebi has settled into our school routine extremely well in her first week of Prep. She has been entering the classroom independently each morning and is always kind to those around her. Keep up the great work, Ebi! |
PC - Floyd Lewis C
| Lewis has had a wonderful first few days of Prep! He is already showing initiative around the classroom by helping his peers and being a super star at packing up. Keep being awesome, Lewis! |
12A - Edwards Reuben F
| Reuben has had a fantastic start to the year! He consistently displays our school values and sets a great example for his peers with his positive attitude and leadership. Well done, Reuben! |
12B - Murphy Evelyn Mc | Evelyn has made an extraordinary start to Grade 1. She is always ready to learn, following instructions and trying her best. Thank you Evie for modelling your awesome behaviour and attitude, keep up the great work! |
12C -Rodda Joaquin S | Joaquin has demonstrated resilience in Grade 1/2 Rodda, making new friends and demonstrating all of our school values at SGPS. Awesome job! |
12D - Patrao-Hurley Aiden S | Aiden has made a fantastic start to Grade 2 and has settled into Spring Gully beautifully. He is doing an awesome job at learning all of our new routines, and is already demonstrating our School Values. Keep up the great work! |
12E - Lockett Adalyn H | Adalyn has had an outstanding start to Grade 1! She comes into school each day with a smile on her face and is ready to learn. She always tries her best and is an excellent friend and Maths Game buddy. You are a superstar, Adalyn! |
Art Awards | |
56E - Crawford Tilly W
| Thank you Tilly for volunteering your time, to help with the continuing installation of the Indigenous Inclusion Mosaic in the 3/4 eating area. Thank you so much! |
34B - Lidgett Penelope P-T | Thank you Penelope for volunteering your time, to help with the continuing installation of the Indigenous Inclusion Mosaic in the 3/4 eating area. Thank you so much! |
Sports Award | |
12E - Lockett Otto G
| Otto displays great enthusiasm and skills during Physical Education and is always striving to do his best. He always listens well to instructions and plays by the rules. Well done Otto! |
12C - Rodda Elliott B | Elliott has been a wonderful helper in Physical Education classes and has been a particularly good role model for the younger students in her class. She always tries her best, listens well to instructions and cooperates with others during games. Amazing effort Elliott! |
Music Award | |
12B - Murphy River K | River participated enthusiastically in his first Music class for this year and demonstrated fantastic listening skills. He tried his best and was awesome when demonstrating how the music made him feel. Keep up the great work, River! |
56B - Greer Alex W | Congratulations on a fabulous start to music this year, Alex. You demonstrated the school value of responsibility particularly well by helping others in your group and staying on task. Thank you for setting a good example and keep being awesome! |
Auslan Award | |
12C - Rodda Savannah R-T
| Savannah displays a genuine interest in learning Auslan. She is eager to share her ideas during discussions and to demonstrate her growing skills in signing. Savannah has a keen eye for the Auslan alphabet and likes to try to decipher Fingerspelling challenges. Keep practising your signing, Savannah! |
56C - Clohesy Archie M | Archie is a quiet class member who is committed to self-improvement. Archie demonstrates a great respect for others in Auslan, and this is evident every session as he listens attentively to his peers. Archie willingly joins in games and activities and demonstrates a genuine interest in learning Auslan. Keep up the fabulous work Archie. |
GuGu Value Award - Bronze Awards | |
No Awards | |