Vision for Learners

Stage 2 Results Release

Monday 16 December is Stage 2 results day. The Class of 2024 are reminded to ensure they can log on to Students Online (SACE Board) well prior to Monday. This day is also the day that students in Year 10 and Year 11 can check their Stage 1 results as well as any Stage 2 subjects that they have been studying. Staff will be present at the College should students or families have any specific questions about results or linked SATAC applications.


A Change in Contact

Mrs Annie Fitridge, after 12 years as Careers and Pathways Coordinator, is stepping down to return to classroom teaching full time. In the interim, prior to our new Careers and Pathways Coordinator starting in January, should you have any questions about the VET program, SATAC courses or any other Careers and Pathways questions, please email If it is a more urgent issue, then please contact me via email (

Sandra Barry

Director of Learning