Sustainability & Gardening Club - Ms Belinda


Hello everyone! I’m excited to work with our new Sustainability leaders, Anderson and Lula and our Vice Captains for Sustainability, Edith and Clementine. 


Gardening Club

Gardening Club has begun with an enthusiastic start! 

Gardening Club provides a fun and safe space to learn about growing plants as well as make new friends and is great for anyone feeling a little shy or overwhelmed in the big playground. 

Today we dug over the soil and added some Dynamic Lifter to add nutrients. Our new students learned about using gardening tools and how we make sure things don’t get lost. 

Our worms have been busy making beautiful, nutritious soil for our gardens. Today we gave them a good feed as their food reserves got low over the holidays and a drink to keep cool. The worms will eat our food scraps and make our soil rich and ready to grow delicious vegetables and beautiful flowers. 

A question for our Vietnamese families!

The students would like to grow some Vietnamese vegetables. I would like some advice on what would be good to plant and where we could find seeds. If you can help, please email Miss Belinda at 



We ask students to choose foods which create no rubbish to bring for lunch on this day. Some great ideas can be found at