SRC and Student News
Mrs Antonella Wellbeing Leader
SRC and Student News
Mrs Antonella Wellbeing Leader
The Ignatian Award
Each week at our Monday morning gathering, a student is awarded The Ignatian award
by Mr Rodrigues for demonstrating one or all of our school values:
Community Excellence and Respect
Congratulations to Humphrey in 5/6 BOC for demonstrating the value of community.
Humphrey brings a wonderful attitude into the classroom everyday and is kind and inclusive to all of his peers. Well done Humphrey!
Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders that were presented with their badges on Tuesday morning at the Beginning of school year Mass.
The students made a commitment to their role by reading a pledge to the school community and were blessed by Fr Trung.
The 2025 School Leaders
House Leaders:
Manresa: Ari Lucy and Oscar
Loyola: James Vinhson and Kyla
Montserrat: Serena Angus and Edith
Ignatius: Troy Vy and chloe
School Leaders: Anthony Tiero and Clementine
Sustainability Leaders: Anderson and Lula
Library Leaders: Louiza and Name
STEAM Leaders: William and Alden
All classes are discussing student nominations for the SRC ( Student Representative Council ) and the important role Class Leaders have in contributing to the school environment and student voice at Trinity.
We will announce and present the Class Leaders for Semester One with their SRC
badges at Monday morning gathering next week ( Monday 10 Feb )
Minutes from the School SRC Meeting will be published weekly in the newsletter.
SRC Meetings will be on Monday at lunchtime in the library.
If at any time you would like to chat about Student Wellbeing at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself.
Antonella Tsakmakis
Wellbeing Leader