Student Learning

Helen Varthalis - Learning and Teaching Leader and Learning Diversity Leader 

A heartfelt welcome to all our children and their families!

Welcome back, everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday, filled with fun and memorable moments. As we kick off the new school year, we’re excited to see your children's bright faces and are eager to dive into learning together. We look forward to supporting students make new friends, support them in taking on new challenges, and grow even more this year. We especially extend a special welcome to our new Preps, who despite the odd hesitation, have had a relativley smooth start to their primary school life.


Orientation Weeks

Planning and creating a welcoming and positive learning environment for our students is important to set up students for success. The first two weeks of school are allocated to establishing a school culture that enables all staff to mentor and facilitate students to become proactive and independent learners. During that time we aim:

  • To build positive relationships through knowing and valuing each student and their family.
  • To develop classrooms that encourage cooperation, thinking and sharing of ideas, wonderings and success.
  • To provide opportunities for student voice.
  • To enhance the development of a school community where young people feel safe, valued, engaged and purposeful.
  • To encourage a community of learners where students, families, teachers and the wider community work together in collaboration.

Our goals are to:

  1. Establish classroom expectations and behaviours that are democratic, ensure harmony, voice for all, participation and protection for all so that all students are clear about these.
  2. Display a set of actions that are aligned to the school values.
  3. Establish classroom procedures and routines for prayer and Circle Time.
  4. Establish classroom organisation of resources, room layout and student work spaces together with the students to enable the building of a new learning community that is bright, organised, comfortable and a place where student work is valued and well displayed.
  5. To understand that positive relationships are built on accountability, responsibility and restorative practices.

Take a look at some of the fun learning that is already underway at Trinity....



Prep Testing

Assessment is a continuous process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting evidence regarding students' progress and achievement, followed by reflection and actions on the findings. Schools utilise various assessment methods and tools to help identify students' learning needs and guide teaching practices. Prep testing began this week on Wednesdays to determine the most appropriate starting point for building on the knowledge and skills your child already has. If you have not booked an appointment, please see your child's Prep teacher to make a time. 


Learning Diversity


At Trinity Primary School we value the dignity, differences and infinite possibilities in each student and endeavour to provide opportunities for full participation, so that all students can thrive and succeed.


Our Learning Support Team is dedicated to promoting inclusive practices that address the diverse learning needs of all students, ensuring they are fully engaged and successful in their learning journey. Our school is fortunate to have a skilled, compassionate, and committed team that works closely with classroom teachers to create opportunities that cater to the varying learning styles of our students. In addition to Ms. Rachelle, Ms. Annalise, Ms. Renee, Ms. Elorraine, Ms. Sally and Ms Josie we are excited to welcome Ms Maggie and Ms Mandy, to our team this year. They have already shown enthusiasm in thier role and have been valuable in supporting students to settle back into school life. Sadly we say goodbye to Ms Chloe, but we are equally excited for her as she embarks on her journey into parenthood.  

So much consideration and planning goes into supporting each individual student at Trinity. This week, I met with teachers and we discussed and began implementing strategies to best support their learning needs. I’m excited for the year ahead and the opportunity to collaborate with our staff, students, and parents to help each child flourish. It’s always rewarding to watch ‘our little people’ thrive and make progress.


Home Learning

Home learning activities begin in Week 3. Students are encouraged to read at home every day and to complete home learning activities across the week in Literacy, Mathematics, and family engagement activites that are based on Inquiry, Religious Education or Wellbeing. These activities will be related to the learning that is happening at school. There will be more information about home learning in the coming weeks, but for now here is the link to our Home Learning Policy. 



Next week  you will notice that home learning includes a Family activity. Together with your child/children we ask that you create a 'Family Bunting'. Students will bring home a template, where pictures, photos, drawings and information can be added to represent their family. When returned to school, they will be displayed to show the diverse and wonderful community that Trinity is. Look out for the bunting templates in your child's school bag.

Learning Events/Opportunities in Term 1

Parent Chats (Week 2 - Thursday 6/2)

Home Learning Commences (Week 3 - Monday 10/2)

First Aid In School (Week 6 - Wednesday 5/3)

NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5 (Weeks 7, 8 and 9)


If at any time you would like to chat about the learning at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher Mr Ru Lameijn or myself. 


Mrs Helen Varthalis - Learning and Teaching Leader and Learning Diversity Leader