Principal's News

Dear Familes and Friends,
What a great start to the new school year so far!
Thank you all for the part you have played in ensuring each of our children has had such a great start to their learning for 2025. Our parents, who I know have been busy organizing uniforms and supplies for the new school year, our staff who have worked so hard to get the school ready and lessons planned, and of course our children whose enthusiasm and energy from our first day last week has really set the scene for what I hope will continue to be an excellent term. No doubt there will be some time needed to get used to new routines, new teachers and new friends and I am sure there will be some tired children at the end of each day and so I encourage you all to set up good habits for rest, relaxation and sleep so that each of our children can be their best when at school.
Learning Overviews
This week I have included each year level's Learning Overviews for the term which will give parents a broad understanding of the learning covererd in each of the curricuilum areas. It is also a great way of promoting conversations with children about their learning throughout the term. Click on the links below.
Don't Forget our Welcome Family Night - Thursday 13th February
Parent Teacher Chats.
This evening all parents will have the opportunity to meet with their child's teacher. These meetings are a great opportunity for parents to share useful information about their children which can greatly help teachers in providing the best learning environment for each of their students. I thank you all for booking in for these through our Parent Portal and I encourage any parents who are unable to attend this evening to reach out to your child's teacher to organize a seperate meeting time.
School Closure Day (Student Free Days)
As most parents are aware, all MACS schools are required to take six Professional Learning Days for the year to enable the whole staff to work together in an area of priority as outined in the school's Annual Action Plan. We understand that this can at times be dificult for families and therefore we endeavour to plan these in a way to cause minimum disruption either at the begining of the year, end of the year or before or after a public holiday. Two of these days were taken at the beginning of the school year to enable staff to meet and plan for the start of the year and our first in term day will be taken on Friday March 7th the Friday before the Labour Day public holiday. On this day all Trinity Staff will be involved in "Team Teach Training' which is a behaviour support approach which aligns with our whole school approach to Student Wellbeing.
Team Teach is an accredited, award-winning provider of training in positive behavioural support strategies. The Team Teach approach and philosophy has been developed by practitioners with over 25 years of experience delivering respectful, accessible, and practical behaviour support solutions.
MACSEYE OHSC (Out of Hours School Care)
Families who need Outside School Hours Care will need to enrol with MACSEYE.
Please refer to the attached flyer which has the enrolment link.
If you have any questions, please let me know or you can also email MACSEYE directly at
ABC Music Lessons
ABC Music will once again provide private, individual and small group music lessons for any studnt from Prep to Year 6 who wishes to participate. Please see the ABC Page HERE in this week's newsletter for all the information you need.
Trinity Playgroup 2025
We are looking forward to another great year providing a free Playgroup Service each Wednesday from 9.00am till 10:15am for all pre school children in our local area. This year the program will be run by Ms Belinda, a qualified primary school teacher and mother of her own pre school child. Please see the flyer below for details or contact us at the office, in person, over the phone or by email.
Secondary School Open Days & Tours
Nigel Rodrigues