Chair: Susan Wangondu

OSAC CHAIR – Annual Report 2024


It has been another exciting year at OLA in 2024 with lots of events that bring the school community together, thanks to the support of families and staff.


The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) works towards building a sense of community through organised events and fundraising opportunities. 


Thank you to our P&F team led by Lauren Koukoumanos and Claudelle Salter. They have provided a wide range of successful events and opportunities for both children and families to have fun, appreciate staff, continue building on and enjoying being part of the OLA community and, importantly, to raise funds for the school.


P&F events have included Family Welcome Picnic, Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls and breakfasts, uniform shop, year level social events, World Teachers’ Day, Mrs Taig’s farewell, Cocktail evening and, to crown it all, the School Fete.  Despite the heat, the School Fete proved to be a fun day with something for everyone. The money raised from the Fete will go towards a package of outdoor works to create a space that OLA children love and value. It is wonderful to already see that the Indigenous Mural has been completed as well as new soccer nets installed and the implementation of Story Dogs as part of the Wellbeing Program here at OLA.


Other fun activities that have taken place in school have included: swim squads, cross country, athletics day, Ride2School day, OLA Talent Quest, etc. 


On 10 August 2024, St Agnes Parish Highett and Our Lady of the Assumption merged, establishing Christ Our Light Parish, Highett - Cheltenham.




Wellbeing and safety have been demonstrated by the roll out of the Story Dogs, helping out children to improve their reading and communication skills. The various informative and empowering parent sessions have also provided support and education in a range of topics. In addition, providing access to the school psychologist, and the continuation of lunch time groups which enable and encourage students to try something new, are ways OLA has ensured the wellbeing of students and families. 


Leadership team:


OLA’s leadership team continues to promote and engage positively with prospective and existing families. In 2024, OLA welcomed new staff members. Prep 2025 tours have been conducted throughout the year and enrolments have continued to grow.  OLA is excited to be welcoming 54 Prep families in 2025, with half of those being current families and the other half being new families. 


Thank you to Mrs Reeder for all the support she has provided to Mr Jacques and the school while Mrs Taig was on maternity leave. 


The School Advisory Council (OSAC) supports the Principal and the leadership team in their roles.


OSAC had 8 meetings in 2024 and we also enjoyed a social dinner together. We hope that we have provided thoughtful parent insights, and support and guidance for the leadership team to act in the best interest of the OLA community. A range of topics have been discussed during OSAC meetings including policies, curriculum, staffing and class structures, finances, school review report, and planning and evaluation of school events.


OSAC members have also offered their support to the Fete team throughout the year, helped with and contributed to the planning of events such as G Day and the Parent Information Night for the Prep parents joining us in 2025. The Chair has also been invited and attended two events organised by MACS, which was a great opportunity to meet and make connections with MACS Executives and staff and fellow Chairs from different schools. 


One of our OSAC members reflected on their first year on OSAC: 

My first year on the OSAC committee was an invaluable learning experience. It provided me with a unique opportunity to gain a deep understanding of how our school operates at many levels. The genuine interest of the staff to do their best by our students and the broader community has been extremely positive. I admire the commitment, time and work the P&F have contributed to the school over the past year. Sash and Susan will definitely be missed however I look forward to what the new members Ella and Ros bring. Bring on 2025!


A big thank you to Shashi Wijensinghe, who has finished his 3-year term on OSAC. Your

insights, skills and experience especially in the area of health have been extremely valuable and so have your contributions in other areas. I am sure you will find other ways to continue your contribution and give back to the OLA community in the future.


I have been a part of OSAC for the last three years, and this has been my first year as Chair and also my final year on OSAC. I have enjoyed the role and I am very grateful for the experience, insights and opportunities it has offered me. I look forward to assisting and giving back to the OLA community in other ways in 2025.


We welcome Ella Meager and Ros Sayers as new members to the OSAC team and look forward to the varied experiences, insights, support and guidance they are able to offer. 


Best wishes to the remainder of the OSAC team and may you all be successful in continuing to support the OLA leadership team and community in 2025.


Susan Wangondu 

OSAC Chair


OLA School Advisory Council

School Advisory Councils are an essential component of governing and operating Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent  voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the school, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.  

The following are some examples of the many ways the School Advisory Council may support the school and the principal:

  • articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission
  • promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
  • promoting faith formation and development
  • supporting school policies as required
  • giving advice to the principal on issues such as school improvement plans and enrolment trends
  • engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
  • giving advice to the principal about the school master plan
  • providing capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal.

OLA School Advisory Council members for 2025:

  • Richard Jacques
  • Caitlan Taig
  • Sally Wright (Co-Chair)
  • Lucas Ryle (Co-Chair)
  • Pat Moran (Secretary)
  • Lauren Hel
  • Ros Sayers
  • Ella Meagher
  • Fr Alan Fox