Fun ideas for the School Holiday break
Click the underlined words for detailed descriptions of the activities
- Donate. Before or after new toys make it into your house, make a few piles and choose what to donate, throw away or keep.
- Go on a scavenger hunt outside.
- Turn your playroom into a grocery store , toy store or coffee shop.
- Work off some energy in your own boot camp.
- Go on an alphabet hunt.
- Play hide and seek.
- Go on a photo safari and write a book about your neighborhood.
- Make a mural .
- Make your own constellation.
- Make a volcano without too much mess!
- Have an ice cream taste test.
- Start a journal.
- Measure with lego.
Keeping children safe online during summer holidays. (esafety parents)
During the summer break, children often spend more time online. Help them to have fun and keep them safe from online risks like inappropriate contact, online grooming and sexual extortion. Here’s how:
- Stay involved – regularly check their online activities and connect with them by playing online games together.
- Set family rules together – decide which devices and apps are okay and when to use them.
- Teach consent – Use holiday photos to discuss why asking people before taking or sharing their picture is important. These everyday opportunities to talk about consent can make it easier to say no to an online request that makes them feel uncomfortable.
- Stay informed – A new joint resource with Crime Stoppers NSW and the ACCE includes tips on signs to look out for and ways to protect your child online. eSafety also has several resources for parents on how to keep your child safe online.
- Know where to get help – If your child is under 18, the best way to get help on inappropriate contact is to report it to the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation. For reporting to eSafety, learn what you can report and how to report.