Positive Behaviour for Learning

At St John Vianney’s Primary School we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Positive Behaviour for Learning supports each and everyone of our students.
This week we focus on setting up classroom and whole school rotinues.
At St John Vianney’s Primary School :
- All students deserve safety and protection
- The school works in partnership with families and the community
- All students have the right to a complete education
- All adults in our school have a responsibility to care for children and young people, to positively promote their wellbeing, and to identify and reduce risks related to child safety and wellbeing in the school environment
- All information about the care, wellbeing and protection of students are based on honest, respectful and trusting relationships between adults and children and young people
- All information about the protection and wellbeing of students is based on compliance with government requirements
- All persons involved in situations where harm is suspected or disclosed must be treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect
- All members of the school community (including students and their families) are kept informed of child safety and wellbeing matters
- All adults and students feel free to raise concerns about child safety and wellbeing, knowing these will be taken seriously by school leadership.
- All matters raised will be dealt with in a confidential manner
Our commitment to our students
- We commit to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people enrolled in our school
- We commit to providing children and young people with positive and nurturing experiences
- We commit to listening to children and young people
- We commit to taking action to ensure that children and young people are protected from abuse or harm
- We commit to ensuring that the needs of all children and young people enrolled in our school are met.
- We commit to recognising the importance of friendships
- We commit to developing a culture that provides opportunities for children and student participation
- We commit to teaching children and young people the skills and knowledge to maintain their personal safety and wellbeing
- We commit to seeking input and feedback from students regarding the creation of a safe school environment
Our commitment to parents, guardians and carers
- We commit to communicating honestly and openly with parents about the wellbeing and safety of their children
- We commit to engaging with parents about our child safety and wellbeing practice, policies and procedures
- We commit to transparency in our decision-making with parents, guardians and carers
- We commit to open engagement and communication with parents about our child safe approach
- We commit to ensuring that relevant information relating to child safety and wellbeing is accessible to all
- We commit to acknowledging the cultural diversity of students and families
- We commit to continuously reviewing and improving our systems to protect children from abuse
Our commitment to our school staff (school employees, volunteers, contractors and clergy)
- We commit to providing all staff with the necessary support to enable them to fulfil their roles
- We commit to providing regular opportunities to clarify and confirm policy and procedures in relation to child safety and wellbeing
- We commit to listening to all concerns voiced by staff about keeping children and young people safe from harm
- We commit to providing opportunities for staff to receive formal debriefing and counselling arising from incidents regarding child safety and wellbeing
Student safety and participation
At St John Vianney’s Primary School we actively encourage all students to openly express their views and feel comfortable about giving voice to the things that are important to them.