Faith News
Emma Chapple
Faith News
Emma Chapple
Important Dates - Term One
Commitment Mass for the First Reconciliation students
(Year Three students and older students who enrol to receive
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation)
Thursday, February 20th- St Brendan’s Church at 11:30 am
Mass leaders: Year Five & Six staff and students. All are welcome.
Wednesday, February 26th- St Brendan’s Church at 5:30 pm
*Students who enrol to receive The Sacrament of First Reconciliation, accompanied by at least one parent or carer are required to attend.
(Year Three students and older students who enrol to receive
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation)
Saturday, March 1st- St Brendan’s Church, 6:00 pm
Wednesday, March 5th - St Brendan’s Church at 9:30 am
Mass leaders: Year One & Two staff and students. All are welcome.
(Year Three students and older students who enrol to receive
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation)
Saturday, March 15th- St Brendan’s Church, 6:00 pm
(Year Three students and older students who enrol to receive
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation)
Thursday, March 20th- St Brendan’s Church, 1:45 pm
*Parents and carers of students enrolled to receive The Sacrament of First Reconciliation are welcome to attend.
***More dates to be added as the year progresses.
Welcome to the 2025 school year, and welcome especially to the new families who have joined our beautiful St Brendan’s Catholic School community. My name is Emma Chapple and I teach Performing Arts, Foundation to Year Six. I also lead Religious Education and whole school productions (Disney’s Frozen Jr. for 2025) here at St Brendan’s. I look forward to working with all of the St Brendan’s families in The Religious Dimension Sphere and The Performing Arts, and especially look forward to meeting our new St Brendan’s families soon. Please say hi if we cross paths, and do reach out if I can support you in any way with sacramental enquiries or faith matters. Wishing you all a fabulous Term One.
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation for Year Three students will be the first sacrament to be celebrated through our school sacramental program at St Brendan’s this year. Enrollment forms and information will be posted on Operoo this week. Families of the students who do wish to enrol to receive The Sacrament of First Reconciliation, please take note of the dates above and please complete the Operoo enrollment when it is communicated later this week. Families of students in Year Four, Five or Six who have not already received this sacrament and wish to enrol their son or daughter, please email me directly for further information-
Catholic Baptism
For families considering The Sacrament of Catholic Baptism for their child/ren, please contact the Western Port Parish Centre on (03) 5979 4374. Should you make Baptism arrangements with the Parish, please inform me so that this special milestone for your child can be acknowledged within the school community. Please also forward a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate to the school so that this can be reflected in the school records.
Families who wish for their children to receive any sacrament or The Rite of Reception through the parish have been requested by Fr Shymon to make timely arrangements, as adequate preparation is required. This is especially important when families wish to enrol in school sacramental preparation programs, such as First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Please consider this advice in preparation for school sacramental programs for this year.
Christian Initiation for Adults: RCIA
Have you ever considered becoming a Catholic or continuing the Catholic sacramental journey that you commenced as a child or younger adult?
Adults who wish to begin or continue their faith journey through the reception of the Catholic sacraments are invited to contact the Western Port Parish Centre on (03) 5979 4374.
Western Port Parish News
Please follow this link to the Western Port Parish web page, and to find out more about parish happenings.
Yours in faith & harmony.
Emma Chapple
-Religious Education Leader
-Performing Arts Classroom Specialist Teacher
-Director: Disney’s ‘Frozen Jr.’ 2025