Prep to Grade 2:

As the term has drawn to a close, life in Prep/1A has been equal parts exhausting... and fun! In Little Learners, we have focused on revising all the sounds we learnt during the year. In writing, we explored several Christmas and summer themed mentor texts, each of which served to inspire our creative and writing activities. We even wrote letters to Santa and sent them off to the North Pole! In maths, we have revised addition and subtraction strategies including counting on and counting back.
A HUGE highlight of this term has been the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) which we ran on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room. Each week, the children rotated through 5 workstations, focusing on tracking, coordination, fitness, balance and locomotion. This was always followed by a fun and engaging group game. The program aimed to challenge and grow a range of perceptual motor skills, to enhance ongoing physical growth and development, and build confidence in trying new things! A HUGE THANK YOU to the many parents, grandparents, brothers and helpers who assisted week to week - and of course our superstar Mrs Peach who has been the most amazing support in everything we do!
Christmas fun
We have crafted, we have cooked, we have danced, we have sung, and we have gifted! It has been a wonderful couple of weeks celebrating the festive season!
Prep and Year 6 buddies wrapped up their year with an activity afternoon making reindeer cupcakes and decorating their cupcake box. The buddies have created lasting memories and will miss each other's company next year.
Thank you, Year 6 students, for looking after our Preps so well this year, they have loved spending time with you; creating work on the iPads, creating playdough structures, learning how to research information about animals, and mostly going to the library with you and listening to stories you read to them.
Preps and Year 6 buddies exchanged handmade gifts, the Preps drew their buddy's portrait and Year 6s made a soft toy from felt for the Preps to love and cherish.