Literacy News

Connie Bandiera, Literacy Leader

Welcome to 2025  

It is going to be an exciting year for all our students and I look forward to sharing in their learning growth.


Our dedicated teachers have set up literacy-rich environments emphasising the importance of speaking, reading, and writing in the learning of all our students and I have loved seeing all the students back so eager. 

Home Literacy Learning

A reminder to all that students should be reading, or be read to each night. Whether it’s at bedtime or in the car on the way to sporting commitments, it needs to happen so they continue to develop a love of reading and storytelling! 


Ways to support your child with their reading include talking about books, stories or newspaper articles they read. Asking your child questions about what they are reading is important to ensure that they are thinking about the text and understanding what they are reading. Try to ask open questions that start with “how” and “why”. Encourage your child to use the text to help them answer the question you are asking. It is important that students understand that using the text to answer comprehension questions is a vital part of the reading process. Below are some examples of questions you can ask your child as they are reading or after they are finished reading. 


As for writing, provide a place for your child to write. The area should be one that is quiet and well lit, stocked with supplies such as paper, pencils and crayons. You can also gather family photos and magazines in the centre that can be used as story starters.

Testing days

Thanks to all of our parents for supporting our students during their testing days with their new teachers.  We always appreciate this time as it helps teachers to gather vital information about what students already know and where to next, in relation to their learning.