Teaching & Learning

Book Week 17 - 23 August 2024
Book Week is a time to celebrate children's books, authors, and illustrators. It will be held from August 17th to 23rd, and this year's theme is Reading is Magic.
We will be celebrating this special week with the following whole school events;
Book Fair - Monday 19th August until Thursday 22nd August
Our STM Book Fair will run from Monday 19th August until Thursday 22nd August. Each class can visit, browse, and purchase books from the Book Fair, and we will have times when families can visit to browse or buy books from the fair. Students will receive a brochure in the coming weeks so families know some of the books and goodies available at the Book Fair, and they will have an opportunity to create a wish list.
Dress Up Day & Parade - Monday 26th August
This year, we will hold our Dress Up Day and Parade on Monday, August 26th. Come dressed as your favourite book, character, author, or illustrator. The parade will start at 9:00 a.m., and the location will be decided closer to the day to accommodate the weather. Parents and carers are welcome to join in the festivities. Younger siblings and toddlers can also participate in the celebration and parade.
You may have noticed that we are having this day a little later this year, as our whole school swimming program will take place during the same week as Book Week. Costumes, water, swimming, and tired students and teachers mean we will have a more enjoyable day. Plus... we can stretch out our Book Week celebrations!
I hope you have a fabulous week,