
This week, the Junior students have been learning about personal space – how far you might stand away from a friend and practicing appropriate protocol for hugs and common interactions. The students noticed that the more familiar you are with another person, the closer the personal space bubble becomes.
They then loved getting in their space bubbles and moving around the basketball court. The students had to be careful not to invade another bubble or else their bubble would pop! It was wonderful to see, that even after reducing the playing space again and again, that none of the students were space invaders! The Junior students were also given the opportunity to allow fellow space travellers into their bubble if permission was granted- creating lots of opportunity for communication between each other.
The Senior students have just completed their work on self-esteem. It was rewarding to see the students reassess the rating they gave themselves at the beginning of the unit- with all students increasing their score out of 10. The Senior students have come to understand what self-esteem is and the benefits a high self-esteem.