Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris

I know the Athletics Carnival was last term but I just wanted to say what a fabulous day it was. I loved seeing the children try their best and have a fun day doing it. 

One of my favourite parts of the day was the family member relay when the adults made a cracking effort and their children were so excited watching them have a go. I did receive some reports this term of how their parents felt the day after!


In 2/3 writing, we started off with a recount of the holidays. We first made a plan to make sure we had the events that took place, were in order, before we got stuck into the writing. This week we started work on persuasive writing which always provides the opportunity for a good debate. The next Big Write will be a persuasive text.


In 1/2 Maths, we have been skip counting 2s, 5s, and 10s and not always starting on those numbers, that was very tricky. We have also begun to think about multiplication by forming groups. Such as two groups of four or four groups of two. They equal the same but it looks different when we use the counters.


Year 3 Maths

The last 2 weeks in maths the children have been focusing on Division and the connection it has to Multiplication. We have be using arrays to solve a range of division problems. I am very proud of the independance the children have shown in trying to solve a range of division problems. 



In K12 Religion, we have been thinking about what is special to us and looking at why The Bible is a special book. We drew a picture of one of our favourite stories from The Bible and something that was like treasure to us.


Mrs Anderson has begun the Geography unit with the topic of the Olympics. It is an exciting time in the morning when we discuss how many medals Australia has, for what, and who won them. The theme of the Olympics is also being used for PE and sport with extreme enthusiasm and competitiveness.


It has been worthwhile meeting with parents and students to hear from each other about how your child’s learning has been going and we appreciate you taking the time to come in to meet with us. Remember to read every night and bring in your reading sheet to contribute to your House colour points.