
Science   I   Technology   I   Humanities    I    General Capabilities


Our Inquiry topic this term focuses on the essential question 'How can we help living things thrive?' We will learn about what living things need to not just survive but thrive as well. We will identify what makes something living and how we can group or classify them, how they interact with other living things in their environment and what impact humans have on them. 

We will attend the Mad About Science 'Living Things' Incursion where we will explore objects that have self-sustaining processes like plants, animals and micro-organisms. Through engaging hands-on activities, we will learn about the difference between living and non-living things and simple life cycles.


If you have any expertise in this particular Inquiry topic, please contact your child’s teacher to let them know how we can utilise your knowledge. We welcome any parents who would like to present to the cohort. This is a great way to utilise our school community and bring valuable resources into the classroom.